第十六屆香港國際美酒展下月初開幕 匯聚環球各式美酒 助業界把握寬減烈酒稅下的新機遇 第16屆香港國際美酒展雲集來自20個國家和地區、逾600家展商,其中中國內地的參展規模較去屆上升六成 美酒展將帶來環球各式美酒,包括葡萄酒、中國白酒、日本清[…]
就在四月初,寒潮席卷法國乃至整個歐洲,很多葡萄酒產區包括勃艮第、波爾多、羅納河谷,甚至意大利北部的皮埃蒙特都遭遇嚴重霜凍災害,法國一些地區甚至刷新了4月初的最低氣溫的記錄。 4月5日到7日,勃艮第迎來連續三天的極寒天氣,氣溫驟降至冰點以下;[…]
2021年6月8日至10日,第二屆Wine to Asia深圳國際葡萄酒及烈酒展覽會將在全球最大規模的會展中心Shenzhen World深圳國際會展中心舉行。 屆時,將有超500家展商、協會及團體參展,同全球各地的精品葡萄酒生產者及品牌一[…]
泰國「季風谷酒莊」最近發佈了一項非常雀躍的消息,宣佈在2021年取得非常優秀的採收成果。 暹羅酒業集團的首席營運總監Christopher Carter表示:「我們從2001年開始不斷努力,一直抱著晉身世界頂級葡萄酒行列的雄[…]
早前,權威精品酒交易平台Liv-Ex發佈報告,表示在動盪的2020年,精品葡萄酒投資成為抵禦市場波動的強大對沖工具,並呈現了「無與倫比的」穩定性,其表現甚至優於一些全球頂級市場基準。 據悉,上述結論是由該平台將佳釀100指數(Liv-ex […]
法國香檳酒委員會(Comité Champagne)月前正式公佈2020年香檳總出貨量的官方資料。資料表明,2020年香檳酒全球出貨量達到2.45億瓶,與2019年同比下降18%。2020年香檳酒全球營業額預計為40億歐元,全年共削減約10[…]
由於全球氣候變暖,越來越多的香檳生產商開始嘗試非起泡酒,近日,路易王妃香檳酒莊推出了兩款來自香檳產區的單一園靜態葡萄酒。 兩款酒分別為2018年份的Camille Charmont黑比諾,以及2018年份的Camille Volibarts[…]
【Napa 特藏拍賣會: 933,000美元的閃亮成績】 Napa Valley Library Wine Auction成績亮眼:超過350個來自全球的投標人同時上線,參與網上競拍,共得933,000美元! Zachys Wine Auc[…]
日本葡萄酒正吸引著全世界的目光。有1,300年歷史的「甲州」,口味優雅的「貝利A麝香」,我們準備了讓各位充份了解這兩款代表日本的固有品種的魅力以及酒與食物搭配的網上講座,還會設置試飲地點! 所有活動全部免費!有興趣參加者,歡迎掃描下面的QR[…]
踏進2021年,軒尼詩誠邀知名當代藝術家劉韡創作名為《春天》的藝術作品,喜迎農曆新年。傳統上,生肖牛象徵著誠實、有才華及自信。經過充滿挑戰的一年後,軒尼詩秉承牛年精神,邀請劉韡盡情發揮創意,為佳節送上希望、團結和光明。 適逢一[…]
以獨一無二的House of Arras氣泡酒取代香檳 每年聖誕節和新年慶祝活動,總少不了美酒的身影。別讓今個佳節假期黯然失色,除了一眾飲家慣常飲用的香檳外,可考慮改為享用House of Arras 出色釀製的氣泡酒,品嚐不一樣的體驗。 […]
Initiated by Sparkling + Asia, the long-anticipated professional Champagne feast —— 2020 China Best Champagne List Awards is now open for entry. All dining establishments of the Greater China with Champagne wine list included are welcome to apply for the awards. The gala dinner will be held during the 100% CHAMPAGNE China event. China Best Champagne List Awards – Key Dates Entries Closing: 18th December 2020 Judgement: 11th January 2021 (Reims, France) Awards Dinner: 28th March 2021 (Shanghai, China) Registration Fee: Free INITIATOR Lei MENG – Founder of Sparkling+ Asia A leading and influential Champagne specialist in China, Lei MENG was inducted by the Ordre des Coteaux de Champagne with the honor of “Dame-Chevalier” and “Dame- Officier” in 2017. Lei was the top three finalist for France during the 2015 European Champagne Ambassadors Competition. She was awarded The Communicator of The Year of “Trophées Champenois” 2017. In Europe and Asia, Lei regularly organises Champagne tasting events: master class for amateurs and professionals,as well as prestigious champagne dinners in cooperation with top sommeliers in Asia. ABOUT THE CHINA BEST CHAMPAGNE LIST The China Best Champagne List Awards was initiated by Ms. Lei Meng, who combines Union de Sommellerie Française Région Champagne Ardenne as Awards Jury. It aims to seek China’s most qualified and professional champagne lists and sommeliers every year; support the development of the Champagne market in Greater China; guide the Champagne service quality in Chinese-speaking area; encourage more and more catering professionals to understand and upgrade “Champagne wine” and “Champagne culture” knowledge. Over 100 restaurants & hotels applied the two editions 2018&2019 and 16 prizes were rewarded. The Best Champagne List Awards is now recognized as the standard of excellence and profession in China. ABOUT THE JURY 「Who is L’UDSF? 」 L’UDSF, l’Union de la Sommellerie Française – French Sommelier Union, founded in 1969, consists of 21 regional divisions in France, now is having more than 1,400 registered sommeliers from all over France. It is a part of the International Sommelier Association – ASI since its foundation. L’UDSF has created and organized a number of important national and world competitions, including the every-two-year competitions The Best Young Sommelier of France (MEILLEUR JEUNE SOMMELIER DE FRANCE), The Best Sommelier of France (MEILLEUR SOMMELIER DE FRANCE), and the competition which a number of reputed Michelin chefs are proud of – The French Best Craftsmanship Award (MOF – CONCOURS UN DES MEILLEURS OUVRIERS DE FRANCE). The Champagne-Ardenne division is an important part of the UDSF, consisting of a number of senior sommeliers from Michelin and top restaurants in the Champagne region. L’UDSF Champagne-Ardenne is co-organizer of China Best Champagne List since 2018. 「 The Chairman of the Jury 」 Eric Arnaud – Maître Sommelier of France Chairman of the French Champagne-Ardenne Sommelier Union, Mr. Arnaud has worked as a sommelier for more than 20 years and owns the restaurant ‘Le Concept’. He provides wine knowledge training and consulting services for many prestigious hospitality management schools and restaurants. AWARDS 2020 China Best Champagne List Awards will include following items: Best Champagne List in Greater China (TOP 3) Best Champagne List- Eastern China Best Champagne List- Southern China Best Champagne List- Western China Best Champagne List- Northern China Best Champagne List- Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan Best Grower Champagne List Best Champagne List – Independent/Chain Restaurant Best Champagne List – Hotel Restaurant Best Champagne List – Less than 30 wines Best Champagne List – Bar Best Champagne List – By the glass Best Champagne List – Chinese Restaurant China Best Champagne Sommelier And this year […]