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第十六屆香港國際美酒展: 匯聚環球各式美酒 助業界把握寬減烈酒稅下的新機遇

第十六屆香港國際美酒展下月初開幕 匯聚環球各式美酒 助業界把握寬減烈酒稅下的新機遇 第16屆香港國際美酒展雲集來自20個國家和地區、逾600家展商,其中中國內地的參展規模較去屆上升六成 美酒展將帶來環球各式美酒,包括葡萄酒、中國白酒、日本清[…]

10Month 24Day, 2024
Bruun Rasmussen Auction
10Month 09Day, 2020

自1960年代以來,Bruun-Rasmussen已經開始拍賣葡萄酒。全年365天我們都有待拍的佳釀,因為每次拍賣之間相隔十四天,這意味著一次拍賣的結束,另一個新的拍賣又開始了。 是次我們呈獻了多達478個新拍品。首先有61個批次來自香檳地[…]

Sopexa的《葡萄酒貿易監測報告》── 葡萄酒和氣泡酒於7大國際市場的調查
09Month 17Day, 2020

透視酒壇現狀和直至2021年的趨勢預測 西方的餐桌上總少不了葡萄酒;新冠肺炎疫情期間在家一起吃飯更可細意搭配酒餚……現在的聚會限制已逐漸放寬,大家又可舉杯暢聚了!葡萄酒專業人士都重新檢視最近的Sopexa《Wine Trade Monito[…]

舉杯共「嚐」中秋月 樂聚團圓表心意 軒尼詩推出中秋限量禮盒
09Month 16Day, 2020


香檳新聞 | 2020年香檳區採收季今天正式開始了!—— 檳客文化
08Month 17Day, 2020


愛侶園最大地主Robert Groffier辭世
07Month 02Day, 2020

6月22日夏至這一天,勃艮第傳來一個令愛好者們痛心的消息:勃艮第名莊,也是愛侶園(Les Amoureuses)最大地主Domaine Robert Groffier酒莊的老莊主Robert Groffier先生不幸辭世。 Robert G[…]

軒尼詩X.O推出父親節個人訂製禮物 獻上獨一無二的祝福
05Month 29Day, 2020


Rémy Martin XO awarded with Gold Medals in San Francisco!
05Month 27Day, 2020

【新聞稿】 請即時發佈 Facebook: @RemyMartinHongKong | Instagram: @remymartinhk 人頭馬 X.O 優質香檳區干邑榮獲三藩市國際烈酒大賽金獎 在 2020 年三藩市國際烈酒大賽(San […]

【重磅!】Jean Marie Fourrier成為澳洲膜拜酒莊Bass Phillip 管理合夥人和首席釀酒師!
05Month 09Day, 2020

勃艮第炙手可熱的著名酒農,Domaine Fourrier的莊主Jean Marie Fourrier將正式參與Bass Phillip酒莊,成為酒莊的管理合夥人兼首席釀酒師。這一澳洲最具“勃艮第範兒”的頂級名莊終於迎來了首位勃艮第釀酒師。[…]

直播預告 | 約莊主雲品酒,Henri Giraud 領略過桶香檳的風味——檳客文化
05Month 04Day, 2020

有的時候覺得,葡萄酒的世界也是流行「風水輪流轉」。 以前大家都還愛喝甜的香檳,補糖量低的香檳會被視為做異類;但是到現在,半乾型香檳反倒成為了少數派,並不是每一家香檳酒莊都有生產。 橡木桶也是这样。 在早期,香檳酒莊畢竟是從做靜態酒開始的,所[…]

04Month 10Day, 2020

South Africa’s 2020 wine grape crop is expected to yield exceptional wines. The occurrence of wind during the growing and ripening periods in certain regions contributed to smaller berries, which gave rise to lighter crops and lower juice recoveries. This means that the harvest will be smaller than the five-year average of 1.36 million tonnes but is predicted to be larger than the 2019 harvest, which was impacted by drought. These smaller berries will give good concentration of both colour and flavour, according to Conrad Schutte, manager of the wine industry body Vinpro’s viticultural consultation services, which will result in exceptional wine quality. The industry is busy harvesting the last few thousand tonnes across eight of its 10 wine regions, thanks to a last-minute concession from the South African Government to continue harvest and winemaking activities during the country’s COVID-19 lockdown from 26 March until 16 April 2020. When the South African Government published its COVID-19 lockdown regulations on 25 March 2020, all wine industry activities were prohibited, including the production, distribution and sale of alcoholic beverages (which includes local sales and exports) from midnight on 26 March until midnight on 16 April 2020. However, through advocacy by various industry bodies, Government made a last-minute concession just hours before midnight on 26 March 2020 that “harvesting and storage activities essential to prevent the wastage of primary agricultural goods” would be regarded as essential services that may continue during the lockdown. “We have a full grasp of the severity of the global COVID-19 pandemic and support President Cyril Ramaphosa on his decision to take extreme measures to ensure the nation’s safety,” says Vinpro MD Rico Basson. “However, the ban on exports and capacity constraints at our main ports will especially have a significant effect on the survival of the South African wine industry, and more importantly, the livelihood of the close to 300 000 persons employed by the value-chain.” Around half of South Africa’s wine production is exported. Vinpro, SA Liquor Brand Owners Association (SALBA) and Wines of South Africa (WoSA) have put together an Exporters Task Team to strengthen ongoing deliberations with Government. Despite the challenges the industry has faced, WoSA CEO, Siobhan Thompson says one of the most heartening elements for the South African wine industry has been the increased recognition the country has seen for the quality of its wines. “As an industry, we have always remained positive, and will continue to do so, despite our current challenges. Once normality returns and we are back to business as usual, our producers will be ready to continue with the sale and promotion of South African wine and hopefully, in years to come, we will remember this period as one that gave us the time for introspection, to regroup and to come back even stronger than we were before,” Thompson says. The official 2020 South African Wine Harvest Report will be issued on 5 May 2020. -ends- Date: 07 April 2020 For further enquiries please contact: Tersina Shieh Hong Kong project manager, Wines of South Africa +852 9849 2677

【新聞發佈】French GourMay 2020: See you in September! 2020年法國五月美食薈: 九月見!
04Month 06Day, 2020

Dear Editors and Media Friends, 致各編輯及傳媒朋友:   French GourMay 2020: See you in September!   To all the supporter[…]